ezURs.com accredited and state-certified Utilization Review service provides prospective, concurrent and retrospective review of the medical necessity of services requested. prospective, concurrent and retrospective review of the medical necessity of services requested.
Our utilization review services facilitate the timely and appropriate treatment of injured employees while providing employers with greater financial controls.
Registered nurses complete first level reviews based on national, evidence-based guidelines, and coordinate reviews with our expert Physician Advisors when such guidelines are exceeded or unmet. Registered nurses perform both Utilization Review and Telephonic Case Management as regulations permit, providing a seamless and efficient process to facilitate timely and appropriate treatment.
To help employers more effectively manage their costs, we offer both integrated and boutique utilization review services. All of our utilization review programs are customized according to state and employer specifications. Utilization review services are provided by our staff of highly skilled, licensed clinicians using state-mandated guidelines and nationally recognized treatment guidelines.