ezURs.com telephonic and field based case management services provide cost efficient evidence based solutions that avoid unnecessary and inappropriate care.  Services are delivered by registered nurses to establish claimant support and guide injured patients to accessible network providers, where jurisdictionally appropriate.  Treatment is managed proactively based on rules based and evidence based guidelines designed to promote recovery and eliminate costs and in accordance with jurisdictional regulations.

ezURs.com case management program is an effective way for managing the coordination of medical care and recovery and return-to-work objectives.
Telephonic Case Management
ezURs.com telephonic case management program, is an early intervention injury management program. Telephonic case management program is staffed by registered nurses who convey vital information to the employer, claimant and other claims professionals to proactively coordinate care. The speed of communication eliminates delays often associated with the management of workers’ compensation claims. Cases are managed to meet the claimants health needs while promoting quality, cost effective outcomes and return to work.
Field Case Management
ezURs.com utilizes nurses that are results-oriented and focus on early identification and timely interventions associated with claims. Field case managers and our panel of physicians respond to the diverse issues within the workers’ compensation, auto and disability arenas. Goal directed case management ensures appropriate care and treatment in a timely, cost efficient manner. Results are geared toward full recovery and return to work for the claimant.
Vocational Case Management
ezURs.com offers vocational services for managing workers’ compensation, long term disability, general liability, auto liability, medical malpractice, ADA and employment discrimination claims. Vocational counselors administer rehabilitation services to achieve successful outcomes. Vocational case management services include vocational evaluations and testing, job placement, labor market surveys, transitional employment, testimony and social security disability assistance (SSDI).

cost efficient based solutions that avoid unnecessary and inappropriate care

Medical Management

Medical Management
Evaluation and coordination of medical care with the claimant’s treating physician, therapist, employer and insurance carrier Goal directed case management assuring appropriate care and treatment in a timely, cost efficient manner Results geared toward recovery and return to work for the claimant

Early Intervention

Early Intervention
Immediate control of claims with initial interview of claimant and treatment providers Determination of medical status, expected length of treatment, capability and case direction recommendations

Job Analysis/Placement

Job Analysis/Placement
Detailed description of pre-injury position is obtained to coordinate accurate work requirements with all parties. Exploration of employer’s capacity to accommodate return to work in either a full duty or modified capacity. Job placement service includes identifying alternate employment opportunities The injured person is notified of various job openings and vocational specialists prepare them for each appointment by supplying all relevant aspects of the available position

Medical Cost Projection

Medical Cost Projection
Medical Cost Projection allows you to set reserves in complex cases where multiple factors drive exposure, and complex medical and legal information needs to be considered. The Medical Cost Projection is designed to forecast reasonable and probable future medical exposure and establish a medically accurate basis on which to set reserves for workers’ compensation, medical malpractice and liability claims. By accurately forecasting future medical exposure, MCP is a valuable negotiation tool for settlement.

Vocational Counseling

Vocational Counseling
Involves an interview with the injured individual conducted by a vocational counselor. A client profile is created including social, educational, medical and work/training histories, as well as transferable skill information that can influence employability. Career counseling services are available to provide improved job seeking and interviewing skills, as well as to increase motivation for employment
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