ezURs is a URAC accredited Independent Review Organization. ezURs affords our clients true nationwide physician reviewer coverage. Our credentialed, board certified physicians are versed in evidenced-based practices and are actively practicing medicine; keeping up on all of the new developments in their field of specialty. Objective, Defensible, Evidenced-based assessment of the medical records focusing on diagnosis, mechanism of injury, current and past treatment régimes allowing them to assess the appropriateness of care in a non-bias fashion. Our commitment of providing objective, evidenced-based review services result in a final product that can be defended at any level.

National network coverage, 1000+ Physician Advisors MDs, DOs, PHD, DC
Quality is always our focus at ezURs. Our clients consistently recognize and applaud the high quality of our products. As part of our continuous quality improvement process, ezURs has implemented an improved approach with client satisfaction in mind. Quarterly, Yearly internal audits, assessments or compliance reporting, helps us achieve 100% client satisfaction. Continual client feedback is received and implemented where improvement is necessary. Despite ongoing and evolving initiatives, the ultimate goal remains to exceed client expectations every time.

providing nationwide physician reviewer coverage


ezURs is URAC accredited Independent Review Organization (IRO). We provide internal and external reviews. URAC, an independent, nonprofit organization, is well-known as a leader in promoting health care quality through its accreditation, education and measurement programs. Through its broad-based governance structure and an inclusive standards development process, URAC ensures that all stakeholders are represented in establishing meaningful quality measures for the entire health care industry.


Our comprehensive physician credentialing process includes a thorough review of Medical licensing, including sanctions, hospital privileges, Education, work history and professional liability insurance. Board certifications are confirmed using primary source verification method.
Licensure revocations, suspensions, limitations, sanctions or disciplinary

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance
Two Step QA Process performed on all cases. In House Nurse verifies
previous requests, clinicals. Prepares notes for specific questions,
compensability Issues, previous preauths and/or denials. QA personnel check for grammar, spell checks, formatting, and medical dictionary. Before reports go out. Audit on random cases performed by medical director on a monthly and quarterly basis. Appropriate use of Medical guidelines, state regulations and medical decisions.


National Network of 1000+ board certified Physician Advisors. With a broad range of specialties, our reviewers are available to assist you. Our wide spectrum of customers includes Carriers, Employers, Excess Carriers, and Third Party Administrators.

Timeliness & Accessibility

Timeliness & Accessibility
To help you comply with state-mandated timeframes, our Medical Advisors focus on providing timely and accurate recommendations when you need them. We maintain a consistent, open line of communication with our clients’ operational staff and are available before, during, and after the completion of a medical review for questions or additional information
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